Post by Pete Beck on Sept 14, 2006 21:43:47 GMT -5
not looking to start any major discussion on political standing by posting this... Everyone has their own opinions and i thought that this might be something open-minded individuals would like to take a look at to further educate themselves on the state of the world we currently live in. www.obsessionthemovie.comthe website takes a few minutes to load as it is getting heavily accessed due to this being discussed on Fox News and CNN.
Post by swarm on Sept 15, 2006 12:56:09 GMT -5
I haven't read the article yet but I will...with that said, both CNN and Fox News are notorious for promoting "scare the sh** out of you" programming...
recently they ran a story where a police dept. conducted an experiment where they rented a U-Haul, bought tons and tons of fertilizer, and constructed a 2000 pound truck bomb capable of killing thousands...they drove the truck into buildings etc...to prove (or scare) how easily it is for terrorists to murder us...
Fox ran this story with their typical "if you live in America, you need to be terrified each and every moment of each and every day because you are never safe and the terrorists are going to kill us all" sense of urgency...
but, what they didn't tell you was this (which was exposed by several other news sources including one here in Detroit)...
when the cops bought the fertilizer, the guy who sold it to them was suspicious, so he contacted the FBI, who in turned captured the "cops"...immediatly...
when it was discovered the cops were conducting an "experiment", they were like "oh, ok", and the experiment went on...
so, really, if these cops were terrorists, they would have been caught before anything could have been built, and driven around in a truck...
yeah, they kept that part out of the story, because, ya know, that would make you feel "safe", and according to Fox, scaring the s*** out of people draws bigger ratings than letting them know everything's probably ok and everyone will be fine...
Idiots. I don't buy into that crap and neither should any of you. imo.
Post by theace4ever on Sept 15, 2006 13:19:05 GMT -5
I completely agree with Swarm's post here. CNN and especially FOX news are quite bad about that, I wont watch them because of their foolish propaganda...and dont get me started on idiots like Bill O'Reilly. If I want the real news I watch The Daily Show and the Colbert Report ;D
Post by Trent Lawless on Sept 15, 2006 15:01:42 GMT -5
TV news makes me puke a little in my mouth every time I see it. Frickin' Katie Frickin' Couric.
You want your news? Read it, don't watch it. And then verify it somewhere else, preferably in print. Never take one report of something as the honest truth.
Post by Pete on Sept 15, 2006 15:53:26 GMT -5
If you must get the news from TV, find a digital cable package that carries the BBC or some other source of international news. It's not perfect but they're far less encumbered by special interests and ratings chases than the major networks. Unfortunately the best source for all of this--Newsworld International--is no longer with us. And chances are, your local news is even less trustworthy than what's on nationally.
The only single redeeming factor of Katie Couric's ascension/descension to the Nightly News was Morgan Spurlock's monologue on her debut show, comparing modern political dialogue to professional wrestling. Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes and Michael Moore and 99% of their ilk aren't concerned with being right, being informative, or actually making people think--just cutting promos to sell tickets. That can be entertaining on Monday nights but I don't want it on the news.
I've found the only talking head on the major news stations to have a clue what he's talking about to be Keith Olbermann. The fact that his show is one of the lowest-rated on the cable news networks pretty much says it all about how much the general American population cares about even semi-intelligent discourse.
(I'm a fan of Colbert and Stewart but trying to rely on them for honest-to-goodness news is a sad reflection on anyone else.)
Post by Pete Beck on Sept 15, 2006 22:14:57 GMT -5
While i agree that certain television news broadcasting corporations do go for the "shock" to get folks to watch, there are others swing the news so far the other way that it troubles me greatly to think there are people in the country who believe the dribble that comes across the airwaves. As far as print news goes, there is no such thing a MoR paper that will report things in an objective format seeing all of the sides and not making a statement as to which is right. Very frustrating, wouldn't you say?
I have done a bit more looking into Obsession i have found out that while the hook is definitely shock to get you to look further, the movie (which i have not seen yet) brings in individuals with Islamic backgrounds who try to put into perspective what the various clips show to try and balance out the shock. Unfortunately, the movie portrays a truth that people in this country need to be aware of.
History has shown that when people try to ignore threats of this nature, it comes back to bite them in the rear. The United States ignored Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan for a decade and we all know how that ended up. Not trying throw the "shock" out there, but the United States (and I'll throw Canada in because they have similar core values to us...even though they don't like to admit it...hey i am married to a Canadian so i can speak with a bit of authority) needs to be aware that these individuals do not like us, our values (or lack there of) and will take measures like flying planes into buildings to kill us (talk about shock.)
The idea behind the post was to get folks talking about a subject that really is going to drive how the world is shaped in the coming future. There are people who do not respect or remotely understand the United States (i toss Canada in here again) and will take any measure to make sure that we are looked upon with contempt and will do anything (as they have shown they will do) to eradicate all that it stands for.
At times, i am disheartened with how the politics of the country play out, but i know that a time will come (hopefully) where those in charge will make amends and see what is best for this great country so that we can continue to enjoy all the freedoms we do...And for the foreseeable future i will gladly continue to defend that freedom for all of us.
Post by Pete Beck on Sept 15, 2006 22:25:27 GMT -5
so, really, if these cops were terrorists, they would have been caught before anything could have been built, and driven around in a truck... swarm That the FBI took the measures to "catch" these folks speaks volumes. If the people conducting the experiment were really looking out for us, they would have reported that the FBI "caught" them and that the measures put forth to watch for things like this are working. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT CAME OUT OF THAT WHOLE EXPERIMENT, IMO. Shame that it had to be "exposed". While i don't believe that we need to see all of our weakness, actually i don't think we should be showing any of our weaknesses as it just gives people ideas, people need to remember NOT to be complacent. Sad as it is to say this, there really is a threat and if it takes something like this movie to bring it back into peoples minds, i would rather it be a movie than some other "event".