Post by swarm on Mar 24, 2007 15:09:17 GMT -5
In the Main Event of Round 1 COTG original Chuck Carter survived the strong comeback to the newest member of the bunch, Promoter Madness' own, Werner Mueck. Winning with 22 votes to 16 votes Carter clearly still has a place in the hearts of many promoters, despite not drawing for the game on any real consistent level in over a decade.
This round the Classic Chuck Carter puts his work up against the Plethador of the COTG artists, Brian Michael Bendis...who barely beat a double countout vs. Gustovich, earning 19 votes vs. 2 for Gusto and 13 for double countout.
He's clearly a huge underdog vs. Chuck.
This.............not so tough fans.
*Chuck Carter vs. Brian Bendis
*Mr. Banks vs. Jeremy Su
Post by Trent Lawless on Mar 24, 2007 15:16:36 GMT -5
Yeah, that would be Chuck.
Post by Matt on Mar 24, 2007 15:19:41 GMT -5
Only an idiot would vote for Bendis.
That needed to be said.
Post by Pete Beck on Mar 24, 2007 17:31:54 GMT -5
While i am sure there are some Chuck did that weren't outstanding...the quality overall from Chuck is way more good ones than bad...I don't think i can say the same for Bendis...
Post by GalactiKing on Mar 25, 2007 8:34:22 GMT -5
While Chuck did have several blehh or worse drawings, he still had a lot more good ones than bad. Which is much better than I can say for Bendis.
Post by theringmaster on Mar 25, 2007 8:34:35 GMT -5
Chucky destroys Bendis.
Post by JimSteel on Mar 25, 2007 9:18:44 GMT -5
Chuck in a land slide
Post by jester on Mar 25, 2007 10:17:45 GMT -5
Post by GrumpyBigBee on Mar 26, 2007 9:53:18 GMT -5
Chuck! this shouldnt be a question!!!!
Post by MikeMcKinney on Mar 28, 2007 15:31:34 GMT -5
Carter nuff said
Post by GrumpyBigBee on Mar 29, 2007 9:51:25 GMT -5
Only an idiot would vote for Bendis. That needed to be said. guess so far we have two idiots on this board...
Post by theringmaster on Mar 29, 2007 10:14:54 GMT -5
I wouldn't call them that THATS MEAN! :-) although they do seem to be lacking intelligence or maybe their hand slipped or they were sleepy or have a concussion or something.... I would like to know who they were though.
Post by jefft on Mar 29, 2007 11:45:09 GMT -5
I wouldn't call them that THATS MEAN! :-) although they do seem to be lacking intelligence or maybe their hand slipped or they were sleepy or have a concussion or something.... I would like to know who they were though. I'm one. Enjoying art is subjective and like I've said elsewhere, Chuck sucked. 2087 and 2088 were decent, after that it doesn't look like he cared and I have no reason to give respect to that. I believe Tom admitted to having more and more trouble with Chuck meeting deadlines. Most of his art was goofy looking anyway, starting with his massively-sized chins and hands and I could go on from there. Yes, yes...he was the first COTG artist. Whoopdeedoo - being the first Playboy Playmate doesn't make you hottest either. It's actually another testament to greatness of Tom's vision since I still enjoyed the game through the Carter years. As for Bendis he was just blah for me. However, he did have some great drawing like Pegasus SE and Vengeance...Chuck had nothing great in my opinion. If all that makes me an idiot, whatever. Keep flaming away if that's what gets you off, I'm quite comfortable with my choice.
Post by swarm on Mar 29, 2007 14:19:58 GMT -5
Ok so this one is over. Jefft and Bendy vote for Bendis and everyone else voted for Carter.
Look for ther finals here soon!