Feb 23, 2007 10:48:58 GMT -5
Post by krisosk on Feb 23, 2007 10:48:58 GMT -5
I recently had a debate with a fellow promoter in regards to which type of character (hero or villain) is associated with which dice color. Basically, if I'm rolling Star Warrior vs. Thantos and using the original dice, I roll Warrior with the blue and Thantos with the red. My buddy did the opposite, and to be honest, I found that sort of blasphemous. Now, I'd like to know what you guys think. ~ :-Xsk
Feb 23, 2007 10:59:11 GMT -5
Post by jefft on Feb 23, 2007 10:59:11 GMT -5
Actually, I always have the wrestler(s) on the left use red and those on the right use blue. Mentally it's easier to keep track of in my opinion.
Feb 23, 2007 11:12:17 GMT -5
Post by Trent Lawless on Feb 23, 2007 11:12:17 GMT -5
I vote for the alternate choice "I am not this anal retentive." Actually, I haven't used those red and blue dice since, oh, about February 1987.
Feb 23, 2007 11:17:16 GMT -5
Post by Hegemony on Feb 23, 2007 11:17:16 GMT -5
I have always used the guy on the left, who is my heel or bad guy, with the blue dice and the guy on the right, or my babyface, with the red dice. I am a blasphemer apparently.
Feb 23, 2007 11:25:45 GMT -5
Post by Tournament Master on Feb 23, 2007 11:25:45 GMT -5
Babyface on my left (right side of the table), heel on my right (left side of table). White/Blue die for babyface, red for heel.
How could you not have the red die for the heel?
Feb 23, 2007 11:31:49 GMT -5
Post by Hegemony on Feb 23, 2007 11:31:49 GMT -5
I generally look at things from left to right, and my heels always enter first (unless they are a champion) to build anticipation for the arrival of a beloved face. That's why the heels are on the left, and the faces on the right.
As for the dice, blue is the color of the Left and red is the color of the Right (politically speaking), and since I have always loved heels and am a proud supporter of the Left, the dice are situated accordingly.
Feb 23, 2007 11:35:01 GMT -5
Post by krisosk on Feb 23, 2007 11:35:01 GMT -5
Yeah, I should've mentioned, the face on the left, heel on the right for me.
~ :-Xsk
Feb 23, 2007 11:36:08 GMT -5
Post by Trent Lawless on Feb 23, 2007 11:36:08 GMT -5
Since people are talking about left and right, I'll just throw in my own apparent blasphemy by saying that I do top and bottom instead.
(Keep your filthy-mind comments to yourself, now!)
Feb 23, 2007 11:36:45 GMT -5
Post by Hegemony on Feb 23, 2007 11:36:45 GMT -5
Since people are talking about left and right, I'll just throw in my own apparent blasphemy by saying that I do top and bottom instead. (Keep your filthy-mind comments to yourself, now!)
Feb 23, 2007 11:48:49 GMT -5
Post by swarm on Feb 23, 2007 11:48:49 GMT -5
I can't use the small dice. I use white dice and I have three of them right now and I believe they are all marked a bit differently to the trained eye. I never pay attention to who gets which die.
If I were using colored dice red would be the heels and blue would be the heroes if I did that.
Feb 23, 2007 11:54:14 GMT -5
Post by Aquinas on Feb 23, 2007 11:54:14 GMT -5
I just use two of the same colored dice and don't assign any to a wrestler per se. And I've never used those dinky dice that came with the game.
I have a pair of green ones, red ones and white ones in my GWF "pencil case" and alternate how the mood strikes.
Feb 23, 2007 12:08:53 GMT -5
Post by offspring515 on Feb 23, 2007 12:08:53 GMT -5
i use full sized dice, one black and one white....the good guys are the white one, the bad guys the black one.
Feb 23, 2007 12:32:05 GMT -5
Post by gatekeeper on Feb 23, 2007 12:32:05 GMT -5
I don't use those midget dice that come with the game either. If I had, red = heel, blue = face
I use 2 regular dice, doesn't matter who gets which one.
I usually do put the face on the left side and the heel on the right.
Feb 23, 2007 12:42:05 GMT -5
Post by blueraider2 on Feb 23, 2007 12:42:05 GMT -5
i dont use the midget dice either.i use regular size dice one white(face) and black(heel).
Feb 23, 2007 12:43:07 GMT -5
Post by Wildfire on Feb 23, 2007 12:43:07 GMT -5
I just a variety of dice, depending on my mood.... my favorites are wooden ones (which have the pips nearly worn off) and some not quite square homemade pewter ones from old Sturbrige village.
I also have dice in just about every color, which a rotate in on occasion.
I don't heed any sort of differentiate dice-wise, but I do almost always have the face on the left and the heel on the right.
Feb 23, 2007 13:12:14 GMT -5
Post by GalactiKing on Feb 23, 2007 13:12:14 GMT -5
When I did use the small dice, I just grabbed whichever one and started rolling.
Feb 23, 2007 13:24:31 GMT -5
Post by WTIC on Feb 23, 2007 13:24:31 GMT -5
i dont use the midget dice either.i use regular size dice one white(face) and black(heel). Same here, but my dice are white and red.
Feb 23, 2007 13:27:38 GMT -5
Post by MikeMcKinney on Feb 23, 2007 13:27:38 GMT -5
I use Blue for face and Red for Heel always have always will....
Feb 23, 2007 14:16:38 GMT -5
Post by traviz on Feb 23, 2007 14:16:38 GMT -5
Good guys get red. Bad guys get blue.
I even color code my fed results that way.
No one ever reads my fed tho...sigh...
Feb 23, 2007 14:18:23 GMT -5
Post by blueraider2 on Feb 23, 2007 14:18:23 GMT -5
yes they do.