Post by Tom on Jul 3, 2007 10:10:57 GMT -5
Oh heck, while I'm stopping by here's one last 2122 teaser:
Epoch and Sly Drury are forming a new team called Outlaw Nation in order to counter a controversy started by a current GWF superstar. What is the controversy? And who are the members of Outlaw Nation? A hint: They are signing three new team members (all current GWFers), one of whom has been suspended at the beginning of 2122 for bringing a gun to ringside! The new battle lines are being drawn...
Post by euritar on Jul 3, 2007 10:13:49 GMT -5
If Latasha is leaving, then I think it's The Troubleshooters and Vidtek, with Vidtek being suspended. I NEVER get these right, so take this prediction with a grain of salt.
Post by Tom on Jul 3, 2007 10:21:59 GMT -5
Just to clarify: The suspension isn't for the full year, it's shorter than that and the wrestler will still be active.
Post by swarm on Jul 3, 2007 10:24:50 GMT -5
based on the promoter I'm going to say Drury, Epoch, The Betrayer, American Guy and Nosfera.
I have no clue as to could have brought a gun to ringside that just baffles me.
Post by toasterboy on Jul 3, 2007 10:29:55 GMT -5
American Guy has 27 guns, so it may be him. (Or at least that what he wrote in the lyrics of AMERICAN GUY available ON CD at GCON!).
I will also say that I'm glad Drury is still a heel. I would have hated to see him turn face.
Post by wildcat on Jul 3, 2007 10:33:08 GMT -5
What's American Guy's finisher called ? Just a thought that he might take it to the extreme.
Post by Aquinas on Jul 3, 2007 10:34:59 GMT -5
I like this team already. I'm glad Epoch and Drury are sticking together. I'll guess American Guy.....The Betrayer would make a nice addition. Hmmmm.....for some reason I see American Guy being the gun wielder. Not sure about the 3rd new addition to that team. Havoc?
Post by JamieOD on Jul 3, 2007 10:37:25 GMT -5
I think the Outlaw Nation was created to take on either Monolith or Endgame. One of the two starts the 'controversy' Tom mentions at the start.
Post by Wildfire on Jul 3, 2007 12:42:26 GMT -5
I'd guess Gryt and American Guy... with Gryt going all hitman
Post by dbfnq on Jul 3, 2007 12:48:26 GMT -5
My money's on Guy being the man with the gun.
Post by tombraider on Jul 3, 2007 13:04:39 GMT -5
gyrt is my guess as well after all pound for pound.
Post by Dave on Jul 3, 2007 13:11:52 GMT -5
Did Guy buy his gun from Krakan-Hitman for Hire.? I hear that Krakan has been selling guns to all kinds of people.
Post by gatekeeper on Jul 3, 2007 13:40:05 GMT -5
No matter who's on their team, Outlaw Nation is gonna be sweet! Can't wait til Friday to get that book in my hands and read. Tom, can we start GalactiCon tomorrow?
Post by GalactiKing on Jul 3, 2007 14:33:48 GMT -5
Chuckles......wouldn't that be great...wait....I won't be there till Friday*Laughs* Well Friday nite is going to be very interesting.
Post by Pete Beck on Jul 3, 2007 20:33:37 GMT -5
so much for my theory that Drury was gonna take over teh Villian team...but i can see a "pissed" U.S. Male joining the team and having American Guy just stay as the badass face...
Post by MikeMcKinney on Jul 3, 2007 22:52:24 GMT -5
Epoch, Sly, American Guy, The Betrayer, and Gryt!! Outlaw Nation has arrived.
Post by GalactiKing on Jul 3, 2007 23:24:27 GMT -5
Well who will be the tag team if Gryt and Betrayer are both there as they can no longer team?
Post by incognito on Jul 4, 2007 21:39:03 GMT -5
Can't wait.
Post by Trent Lawless on Jul 5, 2007 4:45:45 GMT -5
Outlaw Nation has arrived. Let 'em take on the Outlaw Fight Club in a no-weapons-at-ringside bout and let's see who wins! American Guy is the gun-wielder, I bet. Gryt's probably there somewhere, too.
Post by jefft on Jul 5, 2007 6:27:12 GMT -5
They still have guns in 2122? No phasers or disruptors or blasters or lightsabers? ;D