Post by Tournament Master on Jul 17, 2007 11:15:22 GMT -5
Based off of a discussion on the CPC board.
Personally I think Tanck's character is much more interesting.
Post by Wildfire on Jul 17, 2007 11:27:41 GMT -5
Mann by a mile for me... I love the escape artist gimmick, I think it really works for a wrestler.
Tanck, I THOUGHT he'd be really cool, sorta the heir to Krakan, but really he seems a generic big guy with funny bumps on his head. I haven't really seen anything to give the guy much personality....of course, I jumped to current with NB, so maybe he was better developed before that.
Post by mft on Jul 17, 2007 11:31:47 GMT -5
Mann. I also thought Tanck was kinda generic.
Post by jefft on Jul 17, 2007 11:58:59 GMT -5
I picked Tanck because he got more interesting to me with the 'strongman' gimmick. Mann has always been kinda 'blah' to me, although I think he's one of the more underrated cards competitive-wise.
Post by Matt on Jul 17, 2007 12:19:34 GMT -5
Amazing Mann
Post by wildcat on Jul 17, 2007 12:22:49 GMT -5
Tanck ! Hands down , no competion..............
Post by Aquinas on Jul 17, 2007 12:26:19 GMT -5
Gotta go with Tanck....while Mann is pretty talented, I never found him to be a very interesting character. He was just a bland addition to the Greatest Show. At times, he'd rise near the top in my fed (he even beat Monolith for the top title in his biggest moment for me)....but it was hard to work with such a bore of a persona.
Tanck is flawed, but I think there's more fun to be had with him.
Post by GalactiKing on Jul 17, 2007 14:31:42 GMT -5
Tanck. AM never seemed to have much personality. Tanck has flourished with the strongman gimmick.
Post by toasterboy on Jul 17, 2007 14:45:51 GMT -5
I voted Amazing Mann. What I loved about the character was, to me, he seemed like the kind of guy who didn't say much but would kick your ass and did kick ass in the ring. He let Vin do most of his talking and he just went out there and won. I was sorry to see him go. I MAY bring him in in GWFZ at least until he pops up in CPC (then I have to buy all the CPC sets)!
Post by wildcat on Jul 17, 2007 14:54:39 GMT -5
I always saw A.M. as Kevin from SIN CITY ( minus the cannibalism of course ) . He NEVER spoke in my fed ever but would twist you into knots in the ring.
Still, TANCK > The Amazing Man
Post by WRAITH on Jul 17, 2007 15:45:23 GMT -5
WOW ... I am actually quite surprised by the response here. I really didn't even expect the vote to even be 70-30 let alone TIED when I voted.
Tanck always came off to me as a bland character thrown in their to just fill a roster spot. Checking back in my records he is 3-19 with all three wins coming against cruiserweights, he is 0-1 against Mann.
Mann on the other hand admittedly has shown fleeting moments of brillance but fallen just short many times. I am about to put him into a feud with Zed to see what happens. But compared to Tanck is just a more interesting character.
Tanck I couldn't stand and fired right after his New Beginning card. So I guess I vote Mann, but it's interesting to see the outcry for him and I may be tempted to give him a second chance.
Post by traviz on Jul 17, 2007 16:37:27 GMT -5
the Amazing Mann held my Galaxian title for over a year (real time)
Post by krisosk on Jul 17, 2007 16:53:29 GMT -5
The Amazing Mann for sure.
To me, 'escape artist' is much more original (and tons more interesting) than 'strong man.'
~ :-Xsk
Post by swo on Jul 17, 2007 19:30:36 GMT -5
I loved Mann when he first appeared and didnt think much of Tanck. Tanck has grown on me though. But I dont like the "strong man "theme.....it's so nerdy !!
Post by Knapik on Jul 17, 2007 21:59:33 GMT -5
I hate Mann, so Tanck!
Post by MikeMcKinney on Jul 17, 2007 22:17:14 GMT -5
I went with Mann.... Tanck is OK.
Post by Hegemony on Jul 17, 2007 22:56:28 GMT -5
Amazing Mann by a HUGE margin for me.
Post by Trent Lawless on Jul 18, 2007 4:14:08 GMT -5
Mann. So far. He just had a lot of great runs with my Interstellar Title. His matches with Kill Prey over that belt were some of my recent classics.
Tanck's got potential. He just beat Endgame for me recently, so there's something there.
Post by Joe on Jul 18, 2007 8:26:36 GMT -5
Amazing Mann, by far.
In my fed, he broke away from Strutter and became, arguably, the most popular guy in the GWF. He won the Heavyweight title and headlined GalactiMania.
Tanck has always just been sorta there.
Post by cyclehog2121 on Jul 18, 2007 9:17:56 GMT -5
I voted Tanck. As Amazing Mann's character "ran out of gas". Even Tom thought so as he wrote him out. Tanck has longer term potential for greatness....