Post by jester on Feb 14, 2007 19:50:48 GMT -5
You're pretty OK Mr. BOB............ ;D Did you know your name spelled backwards is Bob?
Post by blueraider2 on Feb 14, 2007 19:51:46 GMT -5
no really never noticed gee gotta wake up.
Post by GalactiKing on Feb 14, 2007 21:21:04 GMT -5
Keep Disaster Keep Tauran Toss Endgame Toss Panther Warrior
Post by incognito on Feb 14, 2007 22:11:55 GMT -5
Tauran make an immediate impact helping too eliminate two superstars this round. First he and Panther Warrior eliminated Vidtek. Tauran followed this up by helping Nosfera to eliminate the last of the original 15 Swarm. Can Tauran follow Titan Fury's footsteps and do the highly unlikely and win this rumble? Entry #40 is The Dark Menace.
Next update after work tomorrow.
In the Ring 17) Nosfera (10) 18) Encubus (8) 20) Endgame (9) 25) Payback (10) 26) Panther Warrior (7) 35) Disaster (10) 36) Valour (10) 39) Tauran (6) 40) The Dark Menace (5)
Order of elimination 1) Omen (4) [by U.S. Male and Rage via Darkrider] 2) Rotunda (5) [by Rage and Paralyze via RavenKai] 3) Phantasy (1) [by Dead Ringer and Amazing Mann via Hegemony] 4) Anivar (8) [by Plethador and Nosfera via Tournament Master] 5) The Bomb (16) [by Plethador and Nosfera via Aquinas] 6) Scimitar (3) [by Swarm and Nosfera via Jim Steel] 7) Reckless (14) [by Monolith and Encubus via Tournament Master] 8) U.S. Male (15) [by Monolith and Encubus via Pete Beck] 9) Muss (10) [by Plethador and Encubus via theringmaster] 10) Lorelei (19) [by Plethador and Endgame via Aquinas] 11) The Betrayer (21) [by Plethador and Swarm via darkrider] 12) Plethador (11) [by Monolith and Swarm via Payback] 13) Sultana (23) [by Rage and Paralyze via Troy Xavier] 14) American Guy (22) [by Swarm and Monolith via Swarm] 15) Rage (7) [by Dead Ringer and Panther Warrior via Aquinas] 16) Antak (27) [by Paralyze and Panther Warrior via RavenKai] 17) Epoch (24) [Paralyze and Amazing Mann via Troy Xavier] 18) Sly Drury (28) [by Swarm and Payback via Neilybob] 19) Gryt (29) [by Swarm and Deadringer via Matt] 20) Zygon (30) [by Endgame and Nosfera via DracoRulz] 21) Latasha (31) [by Dead Ringer and Swarm Via Matt] 22) Thraxx (32) [by Nosfera and Swarm via Tournament Master] 23) Amazing Mann (13) [by Monolith and Swarm via Swarm] 24) Dead Ringer (2) [by Monolith and Endgame via Pete Beck] 25) Vin Strutter (34) [by Monolith and Endgame via Pete Beck] 26) Monolith (6) [by Paralyze and Rush via Eliath] 27) She Devil (37) [by Disaster and Swarm via Aquinas] 28) Paralyze (12) [by Disaster and Panther Warrior via Travis] 29) Rush (33) [by Paralyze and She-Devil via Neilybob] 30) Vidtek (38) [by Tauran and Panther Warrior via Jester] 31) Swarm (9) [by Tauran and Nosfera via DMK]
Keep:The Dark Menace Keep: Nosfera Boot: Tauran Boot: Panther Warrior
Post by Matt on Feb 14, 2007 22:22:14 GMT -5
Keep: Encubus Keep: Panther Warrior Boot: Tauran Boot: Nosfera
Post by Pete Beck on Feb 14, 2007 22:48:56 GMT -5
Keep Tauran and Endgame Boot Dark Menace and Nosfera
Post by gatekeeper on Feb 14, 2007 23:08:44 GMT -5
Keep Payback Keep Endgame
Boot Dark Menace Boot Nosfera
Post by swarm on Feb 14, 2007 23:36:58 GMT -5
Keep Tauran Keep Panther Warrior Boot The Dark Menace Boot Nosfera
Post by jester on Feb 14, 2007 23:37:49 GMT -5
KEEP Tauran Panther Warrior
BOOT Dark Menace Nosfera
Post by Wildfire on Feb 15, 2007 1:20:15 GMT -5
keep Encubus, Panther Warrior boot Dark Menace, Endgame
Post by theringmaster on Feb 15, 2007 2:54:44 GMT -5
KEEP: Encubus KEEP: Panther Warrior BOOT: Tauran BOOT: Endgame
Post by DracoRulz on Feb 15, 2007 3:36:06 GMT -5
Keep: Encubus Keep: Panther Warrior Boot: Nosfera Boot: The Dark Menace
Post by Eliath on Feb 15, 2007 6:12:00 GMT -5
Boot: Tauran Boot: Dark Menance Keep: Endgame Keep: Nosferra
Post by jefft on Feb 15, 2007 7:07:25 GMT -5
Keep: Endgame Keep: Valour Boot: Dark Menace Boot: Nosfera
Post by GalactiKing on Feb 15, 2007 7:16:10 GMT -5
Keep Disaster, Keep Nosfera Toss Endgame Toss Tauran
Post by JimSteel on Feb 15, 2007 9:47:15 GMT -5
Post by Tournament Master on Feb 15, 2007 11:44:26 GMT -5
Keep: Dark Menace and Nosfera Boot: Panther Warrior and Tauran
Post by MikeMcKinney on Feb 15, 2007 12:36:29 GMT -5
Keep Encubus Keep Tauran
Boot Panther Warrior Boot Payback
Post by blueraider2 on Feb 15, 2007 14:00:57 GMT -5
boot darkmeance and tauran
keep payback and nosfera
Post by incognito on Feb 15, 2007 18:21:54 GMT -5
The Dark Menace flew out of the ring when Panther Warrior delivered a spin kick while Encubus had the dark one up for a power bomb. Send in the clowns; the 41st superstar in the ring is Tricks.
Next update after 22:00
In the Ring 17) Nosfera (8) 18) Encubus (10) 20) Endgame (9) 25) Payback (10) 26) Panther Warrior (8) 35) Disaster (10) 36) Valour (10) 39) Tauran (4) 40) Tricks (5)
Order of elimination 1) Omen (4) [by U.S. Male and Rage via Darkrider] 2) Rotunda (5) [by Rage and Paralyze via RavenKai] 3) Phantasy (1) [by Dead Ringer and Amazing Mann via Hegemony] 4) Anivar (8) [by Plethador and Nosfera via Tournament Master] 5) The Bomb (16) [by Plethador and Nosfera via Aquinas] 6) Scimitar (3) [by Swarm and Nosfera via Jim Steel] 7) Reckless (14) [by Monolith and Encubus via Tournament Master] 8) U.S. Male (15) [by Monolith and Encubus via Pete Beck] 9) Muss (10) [by Plethador and Encubus via theringmaster] 10) Lorelei (19) [by Plethador and Endgame via Aquinas] 11) The Betrayer (21) [by Plethador and Swarm via darkrider] 12) Plethador (11) [by Monolith and Swarm via Payback] 13) Sultana (23) [by Rage and Paralyze via Troy Xavier] 14) American Guy (22) [by Swarm and Monolith via Swarm] 15) Rage (7) [by Dead Ringer and Panther Warrior via Aquinas] 16) Antak (27) [by Paralyze and Panther Warrior via RavenKai] 17) Epoch (24) [Paralyze and Amazing Mann via Troy Xavier] 18) Sly Drury (28) [by Swarm and Payback via Neilybob] 19) Gryt (29) [by Swarm and Dead Ringer via Matt] 20) Zygon (30) [by Endgame and Nosfera via DracoRulz] 21) Latasha (31) [by Dead Ringer and Swarm Via Matt] 22) Thraxx (32) [by Nosfera and Swarm via Tournament Master] 23) Amazing Mann (13) [by Monolith and Swarm via Swarm] 24) Dead Ringer (2) [by Monolith and Endgame via Pete Beck] 25) Vin Strutter (34) [by Monolith and Endgame via Pete Beck] 26) Monolith (6) [by Paralyze and Rush via Eliath] 27) She Devil (37) [by Disaster and Swarm via Aquinas] 28) Paralyze (12) [by Disaster and Panther Warrior via Travis] 29) Rush (33) [by Paralyze and She-Devil via Neilybob] 30) Vidtek (38) [by Tauran and Panther Warrior via Jester] 31) Swarm (9) [by Tauran and Nosfera via DMK] 32) The Dark Menace (40) [by Encubus and Panther Warrior via Draco Rulz]
Keep: Tricks Keep: Nosfera Boot: Tauran Boot: Valour